

In addition to my work as an executive and business coach, I have also joined forces with Vistage International to chair a business peer advisory board in Los Angeles, CA. Vistage is the world’s leading organization of peer advisory boards, with over 19,000 members in 16 countries.

A peer advisory board is a group of 12-16 successful non-competing business owners and CEOs who meet monthly to work on each others’ biggest challenges and opportunities. The members bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and perspectives from their individual backgrounds.

Something powerful happens when the group meets. Important issues come to the surface. New ideas, strategies, and actions are generated. Members support and challenge each other and hold one another accountable. As a result, the members grow their companies faster, become stronger leaders, and make better decisions.  No fluff, just real issues and real results.

A recent five-year study showed that Vistage members’ companies experienced an annual growth rate of 2 times greater than other companies. But it’s not just about profits. Vistage members typically report they learn to work fewer hours, improve their business and personal relationships, and get more joy out of life.

In addition to the group meetings, I meet monthly with each member for one-on-one executive coaching.

For more information about my Vistage board in Los Angeles, click on the videos below or contact me directly at